Josh Parmar runs the infamous (in a good way) "Prohibition Bar" in Chester. Although everything is run legally, it has the look and feel of a speak-easy of the 1920's. Small, intimate and has a great ambiance. Josh does not advertise nor does he even have a sign outside his front door telling people where the bar is. You need to know it is there to go to it - and his clientele is growing and growing. Those in the know adore it and have become regulars.
Recently The "Prohibition Bar" celebrated their 1st anniversary. To keep in the mood and feel of the 1920's Josh ordered a Tommy Gun Vodka Luge from us. As you'll see in his Testimonial, he does need a bit more practice at using a Vodka Luge! Josh is a GREAT guy. His bar is phenomenal. If you are ever in Chester - ask for the "Prohibition Bar" by name; you'll love it!
No. of Ice Blocks - ONE
Item - Ice Sculpture or Vodka Luge
Format - Landscape
Height - 1/2m x 1m wide
Weight -120kg
Text - No.
Delivery to venue - Yes
Complete set-up of sculpture at venue - Yes
Lighting included - Yes
Lighting set-up created for you at venue - Yes
Drain Tray - Yes
Thick-bore Tubing - Yes
12-point Check Assessment - Yes