Charlotte wanted a plain but impressive "21" Vodka Luge for her 21st Birthday. The initial e-mail and phone call was for something totally different. We discuissed and exchanged e-mails back and forth for sometime before she plumped for a "21" Vodka Luge.
The progress or path clients go through is always fascinating and exciting to us. An idea always evolves into something that once they have decided - they get very excited about and can't wasit to see and of course, use. Charlotte was absolutely lovely to talk with and be able to 'talk through' ideas.
No. of Ice Blocks - ONE
Item - Ice Sculpture or Vodka Luge
Format - Portrait
Height - 1m x 1/2m wide
Weight 80-120kg
Text - Possible on ice base plinth
Delivery to venue - Yes
Complete set-up of sculpture at venue - Yes
Lighting included - Yes
Lighting set-up created for you at venue - Yes
Drain Tray - Yes
Thick-bore Tubing - Yes
12-point Check Assessment - Yes