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Winter Wonderland Sleigh

"Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh..."

What a phenomenal centre point to any Winter Wonderland party - a sleigh! 

Decorate the sleigh with warm, cozy blankets, beautifully wrapped presents, horsey artifacts, snow boots and a myriad of other things, it certainly sets the scene for a great party or event.

The sleigh can be a Vodka Luge or just an Ice Sculpture (minus the drinks channel).  This is just one version of a sleigh.  Over the years we have create many versions of this sleigh - all to the specification, needs and wants of the client for their particular event. Unlike many other ice carvers we do not have 'one set pattern' for creating designs or popular luges - especially Vodka Luge Sleighs.

Variations of the Vodka Luge Winter Wonderland sleigh could be -  the overall design, the shape, the angle of the sleigh, where you would like the channel for the drink to enter and exit or even where text could be placed. The finished design will determine if text is possible or not and where...

Creating a scene.
Set the sleigh on a sturdy table in front of a jet-black twinkly star cloth, cover the table with artificial snow, place presents or items in-keeping with your overall Winter Wonderland theme and this Vodka Luge or Ice Sculpture will be an absolute show stopper - guaranteed to be photographed, ooohed and aaahed over!   Great publicity for your organizing ability!

If it is a sponsored event or even sponsored Vodka Luge, place your sponsors leaflets, business cards, posters and banners around the table - it will certainly be picked-up by those taking photos!  Great advertising and promotional opportunities.


No. of Ice Blocks - ONE and a half
Item - Ice Sculpture or Vodka Luge
Format - Landscape
Height - 1/2m x 1m wide
Weight 120+kg
Text - Possible

Delivery to venue - Yes
Complete set-up of sculpture at venue - Yes
Lighting included - Yes
Lighting set-up created for you at venue - Yes
Drain Tray - Yes
Thick-bore Tubing - Yes
12-point Check Assessment - Yes




Give us a call for a no-obligation discussion on what we can do for your party - telephone 02477 044 827 or email