Creative Director Kwame Knight called us on a Thursday afernoon about creating a Boxing Glove Vodka Luge for one of his clients. He said he was just about to catch a Plane to Hong Kong for a meeting and would be back in the UK on Monday afternoon to sort out all the details - the party was to be on the Friday of that week. True to his word, he called and did sort out all the details. On The Friday we delivered and set up the Vodka Luge at The Four Seasons Hotel at Canary Wharf in London. Kwame was very specific in what he wanted: A landscape format of a boxing glove. A "21" in the centre of the glove and his client's name "Danny" written vertically down the sleeve of the Boxing Glove.
The glove was hand carved with snow-fill lettering and number. We lit the Vodka Luge with very bright LED lighting. This created a brilliant 'red glove' - a major centre piece to the whole room. As guests walked in they could not miss the bold and very impressive Vodka Luge; the glove was set-up on a high table - with the red light shining through it from behind.
Danny's love was and is Boxing. However the setting for the party had a James Bond feel - glittering and sparkling dance floor, superb magician (Michael J. Fitch -, Photographer with a James Bond back drop and Photo booth. Bond silhouettes dotted the entire room - making a wonderful and magical ambiance.
Kwame pulled-off a spectacular party (
No. of Ice Blocks - ONE
Item - Ice Sculpture or Vodka Luge
Format - Landscape
Height - 1/2m x 1m wide
Weight 100-120kg
Text - Possible -
Delivery to venue - Yes
Complete set-up of sculpture at venue - Yes
Lighting included - Yes
Lighting set-up created for you at venue - Yes
Drain Tray - Yes
Thick-bore Tubing - Yes
12-point Check Assessment - Yes