Capt. Will Grieg ordered for his summer Ball in 2014 a Wavy Union Jack. It was for a 'Pride of Britain' theme. In 2015, Will contacted us again and asked if we can come-up with any ideas for this year's theme: "Party in The Park" Summer Ball. The evening was to be a relaxed summer ball with music, out-door living food and 'casualness'. What could be more appropriate than an Acoustic Guitar.
This is what we created for his Aldershot Party in the Park theme.
Using a CNC and hand carving technique, the detail was quite impressive and 'looked-good'. It was of course a Vodka Luge created from a single ice block in a landscape format - 1/2m tall by 1m long (from left to right).
No. of Ice Blocks - ONE
Item - Ice Sculpture or Vodka Luge
Format - Landscape
Height - 1/2m x 1m wide
Weight 100-120kg
Text - No.
Delivery to venue - Yes
Complete set-up of sculpture at venue - Yes
Lighting included - Yes
Lighting set-up created for you at venue - Yes
Drain Tray - Yes
Thick-bore Tubing - Yes
12-point Check Assessment - Yes